Making my way through Asia (and grad school) one adventurous step at a time.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Walking the Dog...

My friend Marietjie is in Thailand at the moment, and I've been persuaded to take her dog for a walk while she's away. Today we chose a little path that meanders through the woods, beside a pond, over hill and over dale. It's really quite pretty - today I watched tiny tadpoles using impossibly tiny tails to propel impossibly rotund bodies through a puddle. I saw little butterflies with perriwinkle wings, and dragonflies with irradescent blue bodies careening through the air. I saw copious amounts of white flowers on long green stems crowding the hills, and I saw green leafy plant-like kinds of one would expect to see in the woods. Overall, the experience made me absolutely thrilled to be alive, excited about life, and incredibly pleased that I don't own a dog of my own.

Today my summer students wrote their midterm exams, and seem to have done a pretty good job of it. When they sign up for a class, the teachers name is in Korean. For my name, that looks like 제니스 힐머 - but when the students translate it back into the Roman Alphabet, it tends to come out as "Jenis Hirma" instead of Janice Hillmer. It makes me smile.

16 more sleeps until I sleep in Canada (excluding possible naps, or dozing on the plane)