Making my way through Asia (and grad school) one adventurous step at a time.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Adventures in Morning Musings...

What went through my head upon waking up today (poor punctuation and all):'s morning...get up, Janice.  ... get up now...really, i mean it... 1-2-3 NOW! ...okay, one more try, this time for real... 1-2-3- GETUP! oh for goodness sake, you know that if you get up now you'll have time for a nice cup of coffee before class.  mmmm, steamy hot lovely smelling coffee...mmmm.  okay, ready?  get up now. get up. now. get. up. now. puppies!....dang it, Janice, you can be such a moron...fine, if coffee won't get you up, maybe your bladder know you have to, you can't hold it a while longer, you have to get up now...fine, so maybe you can hold it...for goodness sake, why is this so difficult?  We go through this every morning...every morning for how many years?  not counting naps, and the first few years where it didn't matter, that means 365 days, multiplied by a lot of years...carry the 11.5...divide by something orange...haha brain, that'll teach you to try and spring math on me before my eyes are open...oh, my eyes aren't open...that might help...okaaaayyyyy....squint a eye open...good...then the other...oh! it's not raining...rub your eyes...good...keep 'em open...look for lizards...good...yes, you can blink............IT DOESN'T TAKE 54 SECONDS TO BLINK!!! Open your eyes!! pathetic.  Alright, one foot on the floor...that's, just one more....NONONO, cat cat! This is NOT a good time to curl up on my stomach all cute and purring and snuggly...sigh.  Late again.