Making my way through Asia (and grad school) one adventurous step at a time.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Adventures in stuff I've never done before...

5:28am: The sun is rising, the cats are fighting, the eyes are opening, dagnabbit I'm awake.

5:32am: I'm on my bike cycling through the morning mist while the dew is still on the rice in the paddy fields. I've never seen 5:30am from a bicycle before. I've seen it through car windows, plane windows, airport windows and tent flaps, but never from a bike. It's really quite pretty and serene. I'm breathing deeply and enjoying the silence. I should do this every day.

5:59am: What on earth was I thinking, and why didn't I eat breakfast first? I'm never doing this again. Oh good! I'm nearly home.

6:00am: Hooray! I have a witness!! Annelie's just walking out the door with watering jugs on her way to the garden and can testify to the fact that I was getting home from a bike ride at 6am.

6:01am: I decide (against the wishes of my stomach) to accompany Annelie to the garden.

6:30am: Home from the garden, scarfed down a yogurt, drank another 500ml of water. Decide never to go biking at 5:30am ever ever again.

6:45am: Mmmmm, back in bed. Should have stayed here all along.

10:15am: Mmmmm, waking up again after a nice, long nap. Thinking maybe I'll go biking at 5:30am again tomorrow.

You may be wondering "Why all the bike stuff all of a sudden?" You may also be wondering why the Vikings never managed to maintain their settlements in North America, but I can't answer that one. I can answer the bike question though: in a week and a half, I'll be joining an expedition of 3 young women for a bike ride around Jeju Island. The island is located off the southern tip of the Korean peninsula, and is really a volcano, so it's shaped like a cone. There's a 250km trail that goes around the circumference of the island and is apparently quite a nice way to spend a few days. Rumour has it that it can be done in 2-3 days. We're planning on 5 days, just in case. There are campsites all around the island, and the ocean is always close at hand if we need a swim to wash off the day's sweat and grime. The kicker is that until yesterday, I haven't biked more than 20-30 minutes at a stretch since about 1998. I usually just use my bike for transportation around campus, not for long bike rides.

Yes mom, I'll be wearing a helmet. (And probably also stuff a roll of Charmin down the back of my pants).

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