Making my way through Asia (and grad school) one adventurous step at a time.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Adventures in Irony...

Tonight, we're going to watch a 2-hour episode of The Biggest Loser; we're going to order-in some fried chicken and a pizza to tide us over.

I just don't understand how my brain works. I can play with the cat during Survivor, I can paint my nails during CSI, I can knit during Law & Order...but I can't watch The Biggest Loser without snacks. I just. don't. get it.


Anonymous said...

hee hee. I want chicken tonight, too. I won't be watching TV, though. I'll be fixing my bike.

For my health I probably shouldn't do both at the same time. Those are two kinds of grease that probably don't mix well.

BTW, I'm sorta blogging again.

Anonymous said...

your brain seems to enjoy the irony.

I'm on a chicken diet myself. but not fried, baked... and lots of tuna and salmon as well.

Trying so hard to cut out the fats... which is hard now that McDonald's has the breakfast menu here now.

Need to be disciplined!