One thing I enjoy about Korea is that Autumn here looks like Autumn in Canada. The sky is blue and clear, the leaves all turn yellow and red and .... well, different shades of yellow and red, really. This autumn has been no exception. The weather is wonderfully crisp and clear and lovely. At present, I have a head cold, which makes enjoying it difficult; nonetheless, I am enjoying this season immensely.
Last weekend was spent in Seoul at the KOTESOL (Korea TESOL) conference. Overall, the weekend was fantastic (when has a delicious plate of PadThai amongst friends ever failed to make a weekend great?) but the conference itself was mildly disappointing. I feel as though I almost got some useful things out of it...but not quite. To be fair, it must be difficult for a presenter to find a topic that's as relevant for teachers who have been here 18 months as it is for teachers who have been here 10 years. A difficult task, to be sure.
Anyway, the NyQuil's kicking in, so I should get myself into bed while my eyes are still open. G'night.