Making my way through Asia (and grad school) one adventurous step at a time.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Adventures in Hiking

I went hiking yesterday with some friends from here, but there was a bit of a misunderstanding. I thought that a 1.5 hour hike was round-trip. Nope. It took just under 2 hours to get up the hill (becuase I'm a slow-poke) and another 1.5 hours to get back down the hill. Nonetheless, it was a gorgeous hike, the view from the peak was fantastic and the weather couldn't have been nicer. By the time we got back down to the bottom, we were tired and hungry and exhilerated. We stopped for one of the best Galbi dinners I've had here (Galbi = BBQ'd pork strips). So, one I finally crawled into bed last night, I had such a good sleep . Although today, I've been hobbling around like an arthritic duck; I've got blisters and my bum muscles are sore. We hope to go again once more of the autumn leaves start to show their colours. (And my legs become fully functional again!)

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